The go-through and re-mark forms are both in PDF format. Students may fill in their information on the form print/fax (977-1263) or print and take it to the Examinations Section.
Procedure for requesting a Go-through
- Please read Regulation about Go-through. Click here to read.
- Downolad the Go-through form. Click to Download Go-though
Students are advised to make contact with Examinations Section to collect their letter(s) within ten(10) working days then go to the Department/Faculty for appointment with an Examiner.
Procedure for requesting a Re-mark
- Please read Regulation about Re-mark. Click here to read.
- Downolad the Re-mark form. Click to Download Remark form.
Students should note the following:
- A fee of $2,000.00 per script is payable for re-marking by a new Examiner ( Examination Regulation 144).
- This fee is refundable if the conditions set out in Examination Regulation 145 are met.
- “Re-marking shall not apply to coursework which counts for 60% or less of the total assessment of the course and when such coursework consists of more than one piece, none of which individually exceeds 40% of the total assessment provided that where a single piece of coursework counts for more than 40%, re-marking shall be allowed for that piece” (Examination Regulation 148).