Welcome to our UWI where your professional academic journey to the top begins. You have made the right choice to join the most prestigious higher education institution in the region to advance your professional and academic credentials. At The UWI, we endeavour to offer an exceptional teaching and learning experience to all our learners. We have some of the best academic, professional, and administrative personnel to support you on your journey. We take pride in serving you and will also be ready to ensure your expectations are fulfilled as we work as partners in the teaching and learning process. I would like to encourage you to make the most of your university journey. Meet new friends, build a solid network of professionals that will support you through your life’s journey, and importantly, enjoy campus life as you will never be able to relive this phase of your journey. There are many clubs, outreach programs, passion projects, and sporting facilities which the campus has on offer. Please ensure that you participate in as many of these as possible while balancing your number one priority, which is attaining the qualification that you set out to achieve when you considered joining The UWI community.
As your Campus Principal, I look forward to journeying with you as you make your way to the top of whatever field of endeavours you pursue. I will work with my team of academic and non-academic staff to mobilize the necessary resources to ensure we can deliver on our promise to make your experience here at Mona a memorable one. We ask that you do your part by being diligent in study, be a good citizen of our community, respect differences and diversity so we can all co-exist in harmony while you pursue your passion within the academic space.
The UWI Mona community is here to support you to achieve your goals. My team and I look forward to working with you in partnership to realize your full potential as you embark on this leg of your journey.
Congratulations on being awarded a place at The UWI and best wishes for a successful tenure.
Professor Densil Williams
Principal, Mona Campus