Cerese Hepburn-Brown
- Chronic Non-communicable Diseases
- Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease
Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Boswell-Thompson, S., Hepburn-Brown, C., Edwards, A. & Lindo, JLM. (2014). Factors contributing to decrease compliance with secondary prophylaxis in clients with rheumatic fever in Jamaica. Pathogens and Global Health.
Hutchinson, M., Kahwa, E., Waldron, N., Hepburn-Brown, C., Hamilton, P., Hewitt, H., Aiken, J., Cederbaum, J., Alter, E. & Sweet-Jemmott, L. (2012). Jamaican mothers’ influences of adolescent girls’ beliefs and sexual behaviours. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(1), 27-35.
Jones, k., Lindo, J.L.M., Anderson-Johnson, P. & Hepburn-Brown, C. (2014). Patient satisfaction with nurse practitioner delivered services at two Health Centres in Jamaica. Contemporary Nurse, 4972-4993.
Mill, J., Harrowing, J., Rae, T., Richie, S., Minnie, K., Hepburn-Brown, C. (2013).Stigma in AIDS Nursing Care in Sub-Shara Africa and the Caribbean. Qualitative Health Research an International, Interdisciplinary Journalvolume 23 Number 8 August 2013 qhr.sagepub.com ISSN: 1049 – 7323.
Richter, M. S., Mill, J., Muller, R., Kahwa, E., Etowa, J., Dawkins, P., Hepburn, C. & Ssegujja (2013) Nurses Engagement in AIDS Policy development. International Nursing Review, 60(1):52-58.
Riley-McHugh D., Hepburn-Brown C., J.LM. Lindo (2016) Schizophrenia: Its Psychological Effects on Family Care Givers.International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 5(1)(2016)96-101.
Paper Presented (Oral Presentation):
Kahwa, E., Hepburn Brown, C., Rae, T., Aiken, J.,Atkinson, U., Dawkins, P.,Edwards, N. & Roelofs, S.“Nurses’ Engagement in HIV and AIDS Research and Workplace Policy Development in Jamaica”. The 23rd Annual Nursing and midwifery Research Conference and 24th Mary J. Seivwright Day. The UWI School of Nursing, Mona, May 30-31, 2013.
Kahwa, E., Hepburn Brown, C., Rae, T., Aiken, J.,Atkinson, U., Dawkins, P.,Edwards, N. & Roelofs, S.“Nurses’ Engagement in HIV and AIDS Research and Workplace Policy Development in Jamaica”. The 23rd Annual Nursing and midwifery Research Conference and 24th Mary J. Seivwright Day. The UWI School of Nursing, Mona, May 30-31, 2013.
Kahwa, E., Atkinson, U., Dawkins, P., Aiken, J., Hepburn Brown, C., Rae, T., Edwards, N. & Roelofs, S. “Perspectives of nurses and decision makers on the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the nursing workforce”.The 23rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference and 24th Mary J. Seivwright Day. The UWI School of Nursing, Mona, May 30-31, 2013.
Davison,CM, Kahwa, E., Edwards, N., Atkinson, U , Susan Roelofs, S., Hepburn-Brown, C., Aiken, J., Dawkins, P., Rae, T. & MacFarlane, D. “Ethical Challenges and Opportunities for nurses in HIV and AIDS Community-Based Participatory Research in Jamaica”. Global Health Research Initiative: Teasdale Corti Program Symposium. Marriot Hotel, 100 Kent St. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. October 1-3, 2012.
Kahwa, E., Atkinson, U., Dawkins, P., Aiken, J., Hepburn Brown, C., Rae, T., Edwards, N. & Roelofs, S. “Perspectives of nurses and decision makers on the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the nursing workforce”.Ministry of Health 3rd Annual National Health Research Conference, Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, November 22-23, 2012.
Rae, T., Atkinson, U., Mill, J., Kahwa, E., Roelofs, S., Edwards, N.& Hepburn –Brown, C. “Nurses’ experiences of stigma in HIV and AIDS care in Jamaica”. Ministry of Health 3rd Annual National Health Research Conference, Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, November 22-23, 2012.
Kahwa, E., Aiken, J., Atkinson, U., Dawkins P., Hepburn-Brown, C., Rae, T., Roelofs, S & Edwards, N. (2012). Leadership hubs: Dynamic Collaborations to Engage Nurses in Strengthening the Health Care System for HIV and Aids Care in Jamaica Ministry of Health, 3rd Annual National Health Research Conference, “Health Systems Strengthening” Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, November 22-23, 2012.
Riley-McHugh, D., Hepburn-Brown, C., Lindo, JLM., Kahwa, E. “Schizophrenia: Its Psychological Effects on Family Care Givers. Oral presentation at the 2013 RPNC World Congress for Psychiatric Nurses, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, May 2-4, 2013.
Rae, T., Atkinson, U., Mill, J., Kahwa, E., Roelofs, S., Edwards, N.& Hepburn –Brown, C. “Nurses’ experiences of stigma in HIV and AIDS care in Jamaica”. The 23rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference and 24th Mary J. Seivwright Day. The UWI School of Nursing, Mona, May 30-31, 2013.
Poster Presentations:
Kahwa, E., Hepburn-Brown, C., Rae, T., Aiken, J., Atkinson, U., Dawkins, P., Edwards, N & Roelofs, S. (2012). Nurses Engagement in HIV and AIDS Research and Workplace Policy Development in Jamaica. Ministry of Health, 3rd Annual National Health Research Conference, “Health Systems Strengthening” Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica. November 22-23, 2012.
Kahwa E., Aiken, J., Atkinson, U., Dawkins, P., Hepburn-Brown, C., Rae, T., Roelofs, S. & Edwards, N. (2012) Leadership Hubs: Dynamic Collaborations to Engage Nurses in Strengthening the Health Care Systems for HIV/AIDS Care in Jamaica. Ministry of Health, 3rd Annual National Health Research Conference, “Health Systems Strengthening” Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, November 22-23, 2012.
Foster J., Hepburn-Brown, C., Lindo, JML. & Kahwa, E. “ Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression Among Adult HIV Positive Clients Attending the HIV/AIDS Clinic in a Type V Facility in Jamaica”. RPNC World Congress for Psychiatric Nurses, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, May 2-4, 2013.